The game of disc golf is one that is enjoyed by many.

It is a sport that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. When playing disc golf, it is important to throw the disc correctly in order to achieve maximum distance and accuracy.

Here are some Top Shelf tips on how to throw a disc golf driver far and straight the right way.

Choose the Right Driver

The first step in throwing a disc golf driver far and straight is to choose the right driver. There are many different types of drivers available on the market, so it is important to select one that is best suited for your individual playing style.

Some drivers are designed for speed while others are designed for more control. Experiment with different drivers until you find one that works best for you.

Check out our top shelf list of the best disc golf drivers below:

Grip the Disc Properly

The next step is to grip the disc properly. The most common grip is known as the power grip. To execute a power grip, place your thumb on top of the disc and wrap your fingers around the bottom of the disc.

Another popular grip is known as the fan grip. To execute a fan grip, hold the disc in your hand so that your fingers are spread out like a fan.

Experiment with different grips until you find one that feels comfortable for you.

Use Your Whole Body

When throwing a disc golf driver, it is important to use your whole body, not just your arm. Begin by cocking your arm back behind your head (similar to how you would throw a baseball).

Then, pivot your hips and bring your arm forward, release the disc when your arm is level with your shoulders.

Be sure to follow through with your throw so that your arm continues moving forward even after you have released the disc. Using your whole body will help generate more power and accuracy in your throws.


The final tip is to practice! The more you practice, the better you will become at throwing a disc golf driver far and straight. Find an open field where you can really let loose with your throws without worrying about hitting anything (or anyone!).

Start by just throwing the discs as far as you can without worrying about accuracy. Then, work on increasing both distance and accuracy by focusing on hitting specific targets.

The more you practice, the better you will become at throwing a disc golf driver far and straight!  


Throwing a disc golf driver far and straight requires practice and diligence.

But if you follow these steps and master each component - from choosing the right driver for your playing style, to nailing that perfect technique - then success will surely follow.

So get out there on the green and start working on becoming a long-drive champion!

Check out our top shelf list of the best disc golf drivers below: